Studying Your Bible

What is your attitude toward the Bible? Do you believe it is just a good book to read when you are sick or when you are dying? Do you just use it to prove a religious point? And, are you one of those people who only use it to preserve wedding and birth announcements?
Friend, the Bible is God's Word! It contains the things God wants us to know and do! It is a book to live by! It thoroughly furnishes us to every good work (II Timothy 3:16-17). In other words, everything we need to KNOW and DO in order to be saved is revealed in the Bible.
Obviously, then, we need to be diligent students of God's Word. We don't just need to own a copy of the Bible - we need to study it.
How long has it been since you spent just thirty minutes privately studying your Bible? Tell me, who is worse off? The man who can't read the Bible or the man who won't read the Bible?
Dear reader, "Study to show thyself approved unto God... rightly dividing the word of truth." II Timothy 2:15.

To assist you in your study of the Bible, we offer a free Bible Correspondence Course to anyone who is interested. To enroll, simply send your name and address either to the Mauldin church of Christ, PO Box 731, Mauldin, SC 29662-0731, or email us using this link. You are cordially invited to our services.


What Must I Do to Be Saved?
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